#BulkCooking take two. Using 4 ingredients: #goldenbeet, #scallions, tricolor #quinoa, and #cannedcorn (no added ingredients). Staple ingredients: olive oil, S&P, and #EverydaySeasoning from #TraderJoes. 
Part A) Sauté scallions with a little ol…

#BulkCooking take two. Using 4 ingredients: #goldenbeet, #scallions, tricolor #quinoa, and #cannedcorn (no added ingredients). Staple ingredients: olive oil, S&P, and #EverydaySeasoning from #TraderJoes.
Part A) Sauté scallions with a little olive oil for 3 minutes. Add the corn and sauté for 6-8 minutes or until it starts browning. Toss the quinoa (½ cup) in the mix until it starts popping. Add water (1 ¼ cup) and cook for ~12-15 minutes.
Part B) In the meantime- roast beet. Cut to 1" pieces, coat with a little olive oil and spices. Place in the oven at 425F for about 20-25min. Make sure to mix a few times in between.
Part C) Mix it all together and voila. Accompaniments: edamame, salad, sautéed spinach, feta, hummus, hard boiled egg, lean meat, and/or #CilantroDressing (recipe to come!)
Cooking time: around 30 minutes!
#easycooking #bushwicknutrition #bushwick #lazynutritionist #homecookedmeal