Some Foods Just Go Better Together

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things to do in the summer is have people over and grill. Of course, grilling doesn’t usually equate to healthy eating, but there are small habits we can procure to make our grilling experience healthy and savory.
healthy grilling
When cooking meats (any meats!), always add herbs and spices. This is important because when meat is cooked over high heat i.e. grilling, it creates a compound called malondialdehyde that has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. By rubbing antioxidant-rich oregano, rosemary, parsley, black pepper, paprika and garlic on meats, you can reduce up to 70% of this nasty compound, as per a study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

And don’t forget to also cook healthy veggies when you grill, which are naturally malondialdehyde-free!
Drizzle extra-virgin olive oil over ripe summer tomatoes. The healthy fat found in olive oil helps absorb the fat-soluble antioxidants found in tomatoes such as lycopene and carotenoids that especially help the skin and the heart. Olive oil is also rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and polyphenols that decrease inflammation and thought to reduce blood clots.

Cooking Tip: Avoid cooking with olive oil at high heat (>300F). The heat causes olive oil to break down and consequently change flavor.

Add a little citrus to dark greens. Greens like spinach, arugula and kale are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamins A and C, and iron. When consumed with a dash of lemon, lime, or slices of orange, the vitamins help to easily absorb the iron in vegetables.

Greens can be a tasty (and not so guilty) side dish to a grilled piece of meat. Just a thought!