
An Unconventional Approach to Constipation

Fiber and VARIETY of fiber is amazing for our gut, but it's not always the sole solution to constipation.

I’ve recently had an influx of clients with severe, chronic constipation. When we think about constipation, we automatically think: “you’re not having enough fiber and/or water.” But often times, it’s not as simple as that.

A few constipation myths to dispel:

  1. MORE fiber is not always better.

  2. Food elimination should NOT be the number one solution.

  3. You can still experience constipation, while still having a daily bowel movement.

  4. Stress is a huge culprit! (isn’t it always…)

  5. It’s OKAY to rely on dietary supplements. You have not failed if you do so.

  6. Non-nutrition practices are essential for bowel improvement.

I’ve shared in the past that I suffer from a “sluggish gut” as I’ve come to call it. During my first pregnancy I swear my gut took a vacation. It took me a good two years after pregnancy to get back to a rhythm. Just to show that all of us can have gut challenges sometimes.

Let me explain:

  1. If you have a slow gut and you are not evacuating every day, more fiber (ie more bulk--> more stool) will not help and it will probably lead to more gas, bloating, and discomfort. Sometimes taking a step back from fiber, changing the texture of food, focusing on hydration, and supplements that can help soften your stool will have better success.

  2. Did you know that most patients with gut challenges develop a food aversion at some point? Food elimination starts pretty innocently – usually no dairy and no gluten, and then soon enough it becomes, no sugar, no nightshade vegetables, no corn, no bananas, etc. When you live with constant digestive pain and discomfort, you tend to start fearing food and thinking that “all food” is an issue. I totally get it! That said- trying to heal your relationship with food is so important in making you feel better. Adequacy - meaning getting enough food and variety of food- is KEY to your healing. Please seek guidance before you start stripping away foods.

  3. Even when you are having a daily bowel movement, if you feel like you haven’t evacuated fully or still need to go, but can’t, that’s constipation. This might require a little help from Pelvic Floor Therapy guru’s and/or correct positioning on the toilet #hellosquattypotty!

  4. I recently started working with a client who shared about past physical and emotional trauma, and then said “I don’t know if I should even mention this. It’s not really nutrition-related.” Let me be super clear. Digestive health is impacted by our trauma – whether emotional or physical. It remembers; hence the gut-brain connection. The ability to open up and relieve some of the burden from your trauma is so important for your overall health. Learning to normalize this connection between stress and your gut will allow you to do something about it.

  5. Dietary supplements are exactly that – they are meant to supplement your diet and routine. The goal is to understand HOW they serve a purpose, WHEN you need them, and, if possible, work on decreasing them when ready.

  6. Constipation is multifactorial and therefore needs a multilayer approach to healing. Pelvic floor therapy, abdominal massage, deep breathing, yoga, movement, acupuncture, sitz baths, you name it, they are worth exploring.

Finding the right rhythm for you, takes time and exploration. Be gentle with the process. If you need additional support, contact me or check out some of the programs I offer.