
Bloating 101

Bloating is one of the most common digestive distress symptoms, especially during the holidays when we tend to eat richer, heavier foods as well as indulge in larger portions.

Many things can exacerbate bloating and, to be honest, it’s usually a combination of behaviors and/or foods, not just one thing.

Here are a few suggestions to help start tackling your bloating:

1)    Chew your food! More on why here.

2)   Reduce air going into the belly by avoiding carbonation, not chewing gum, not using straws (since half is filled with air), and closing your mouth when chewing (#manners ;).

I LOVE a good straw - glass is my favorite! BUT - when I feel bloated, I avoid.

I LOVE a good straw - glass is my favorite! BUT - when I feel bloated, I avoid.

3)    If you have sluggish digestion i.e. constipation, this can lead to more bloating since the longer your stool stays in your colon, the more it’s fermented by bacteria and the more gases are produced. If your stool is hard and pebbly and you strain or find it painful to go to the bathroom, you are probably constipated. Talk to someone that can help you improve the consistency and frequency of your bowels; that in turn will help bloating. Hint hint, I can help!

4)    Reduce your intake of FODMAP-rich foods. FODMAPs are small, fermentable sugars or fibers that eaten in large amounts can cause bloating, gas, and changes in bowels. Listen in here for more details.

If you are interested in improving your gut health and gut symptoms, feel free to email to schedule your complimentary discovery call. I promise it’s worth it.