Alanna Cabrero Nutrition, PC

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7 Strategies To Improve Digestion Without Overly Restricting Food Choices

STOP! Before you start eliminating ALL foods because of recurrent gut issues (cramping, bloat, loose bowels, pain, etc)… please consider the 7 tips below. Working on general strategies like this can really improve your outcome without overly restricting your food choices. If you need additional support, make sure to schedule your complimentary discovery call and learn about my one-on-one nutrition counseling programs.

TIP 1. Are you eating consistent meals throughout the day? And no, unfortunately, coffee is not a meal.

  • Your eating schedule may differ day to day, but generally, we should all be eating ~ 3 meals a day and ~1 to 3 snacks based on our exertion, hunger, and needs (may be physical or emotional).

  • Try to avoid most of your meals towards the latter part of the day, especially very close to bedtime. That can have a negative trickle effect the next morning.

Tip 2. Make sure you are hydrating properly throughout the day, ideally WITH meals. And nope, drinking water with meals does not lessen the effectiveness of breaking down food. It improves it. Hydration helps food travel in the right direction and form proper stools.

Tip 3. Consider caffeine. I know! I love my morning coffee too, but I know it’s not great if I overdo it. For many, that type of harsh stimulant can affect bowels, usually increasing the quantity as well as the urgency. If you are struggling with this – it might be helpful to reduce the quantity of coffee or energy drink, choose half-caf, rethink the timing of your caffeine, or switch to teas like green or black that have less caffeine but also contain a compound called L-Theanine that has a calming effect.

Tip 4. Avoid overloading on fried/greasy foods in one sitting. Fat is necessary – not only nutritionally, but also for flavor! BUT too much fat tends to slow digestion and increase symptoms like bloating, nausea, reflux, and sometimes pain. So, just look and see if there are some tweaks you can make to reduce the overload of fat in foods such as pizza, French fries, fried meats, fatty meats, or heavy pastries. Some ideas: use water and oil sauté, choose baked or grilled meats, share the fries!, choose lean cuts of meat like loin or round, be mindful of the quantity of cheese and pastries, to start.

Tip 5. What’s your movement like throughout the day? I love it when my clients find an activity that they enjoy doing (running, dance, barre, etc), but digestively speaking, it’s also important to move throughout the day, especially after meals. So, if you have a desk job, make sure to build in 3–5-minute walks or standing routines every few hours. It also has blood sugar and energy benefits.

Tip 6. What are your sources of fiber? Fiber is found in plants like whole grains, legumes, fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds. Try to have a source of fiber with most meals. If you have irregular bowels, introduce more soluble fibers into your diet like flaxmeal, soaked chia seeds, oats, lentils, bananas, potatoes, pears, oranges, to mention a few. These are great bulking agents AND help feed your good gut bugs. Low and slow is the name of the game, so start introducing slowly. If you have a complicated relationship with fiber, schedule your complimentary discovery call to see whether I can help.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of soluble fiber. Make sure to soak them for 5-10 minutes to reap the digestive benefits and make them easier to digest. I add 1 tbsp to 12 ounces of water. Start with 1 tsp if you are starting to introduce more fiber into your diet.

Tip 7. Sleep or, I should say, the lack of enough quality sleep can affect your gut. Prioritize your sleep routine and you’ll see your tummy challenges also improve. Easier said than done, but I can help!

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